Wednesday, 22 August 2012


I'm happy when I am alone
but it gets boring at times
when i want them they are not there
when i get them
they all come at once
all of them
some not even worth doing
but most
they make me swoon
argh...why me
now i have to chose
pink pinky bonky
do i really have to chose
i wont chose
i don't want to
okay fine i lose
back to single again

Friday, 17 August 2012


Raised in the city of kings.
I claim my throne of royalty
With ink as my spear
paper as my shield.
I claim my space in the world
to be heard.
I express myself
liberate my mind
I share my thoughts
I explore the depths of my imagination,
the turmoils,
the pains,
the smiles,
the laughter.
I tell stories
maybe told by others
but not told my way.
Take this journey with me
as i scribble through the wars of literature
leaving signature trails
on empty pages,
Claiming my rightful throne.
The Orator

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Into the deep I plunge
insearch of a thin streak of light
cutting through this darkness
blinding my sanity.
Into the deep I wander
through empty spaces
and crevices furrowed by misery.
Into the deep deep deep and deeper
I lose myself.
Darker it gets in this abyss
dimming the little faith I have.
Fading is my luminous beam
erased to haunting shadows
blending with this pitch darkness.

In too deep
lies a thick stench of oppression
ready to suffocate each breath i take.
Unforgiving and so dementing
is this fathomless pit of depression.
A bottomless gulf
were winds of anger whirl
corroding the walls of my mind,
were once sweet memories lay
have been eroded to a delusive debris.

In this realm,
a domain of catastrophe
thunder rumbles with tornadoes spinning in a hurricane.
An endless storm ever brewing torment
to my chamber of thoughts.
Fire blazing
torching emotions to ashes.
Inferno raging
a wailing yearn to be freed
from this vile vicinity,
as my wretched soul
simmers a sob to bleak slumber
into the deep.